Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Busy bee

I was a very busy bee on the weekend!

On Fridays my business as usual consists of doing the laundry (and everything connected with it). Hubby always states laundry is done by the washing machine. I freely admit that this is absolutely correct, but all the stuff has to be sorted, filled into the washer, get out of the washer to be checked what goes into the dryer, and the rest goes on the clothes line. Afterwards there is ironing, folding and mending to do and somehow it has to get into the dresser. That doesn't magically happen, no, someone has to do it. I am constantly calling Dobby the house elf but "the person you have called is temporarily not available". 

The second thing on my to do list is the grocery shopping. I usually do it on Friday to save my Saturday for all the things I missed during weekdays. This week I cut all the bushes in our garden, baked an apple pie and took care of my present for my mum in law.

The apple pie was very basic with a hint of cinnamon and served with vanilla ice (ice, baby) very yummy! Please note the oven mitts sewn by me :-)

As I also planned another batch of lemon syrup I wondered if there is a wise way to use the lemon peels. In case of organic lemons you could grate the peels, dry them and use them as baking ingredient. But I would not recommend this with conventional lemons. Then I happened to watch a video explaining how to DIY eco-friendly cleaning products. One of these products was an all purpose cleaner containing only vinegar, water, a dash of dish washer liquid and lemon oil. Alternatively they recommended lemon vinegar instead of lemon oil and normal vinegar - just drown the lemon peels in vinegar and let it sit for two to three weeks. Easily said and done: 

Ages ago I decided to handcraft all the gifts for my loved ones. I know that there are occasions where cash is more appropriate, but in most cases people appreciate my handmade odds and ends. To complete my mum in law's main gift for her special birthday this year I made her a greeting card and let her decide if she wants to celebrate quinceanera - she truly is young at heart!

And then I tried homemade chocolates. Compared to the beautiful miracles my sister usually performs there is room for improvement - but only regarding the looks, not the taste! Please have a look at the different stages of making and - very important - wrapping them, because we also eat with our eyes. Main ingredients: oreos, cream cheese and white chocolate. Quick and easy, just as I like it. 

Actually I wanted to try a vegan spread with kidney beans as well, but postponed that because sometimes even busy bees need to rest :-)

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