Wednesday, April 22, 2020

If you've got too much time...

Hi, y'all!

First of all: I don't think you can have too much time. I personally never experienced that problem. But in the last two weeks I checked things off my to-do-list that were at the very bottom of said list, I can tell you!

One of these things was the deep cleaning of my kitchen. A while ago - a few months or even more - I bought a little crawling problem together with a packet of flour. Although I stored my dry goods as flour, sugar and salt in Tupperware, I only had one container for each of these items. But sometimes I buy several things ahead and then they stay in their paper bags. At that time I deep cleaned everything, threw the damaged goods away and tucked the undamaged into freezer bags. Since then I've been collecting glass jars from pickles, mayonnaise and cherries and turned them into storage containers. Of course I have to split one kilo of flour on several jars, and maybe square containers would be more effective space-wise. But I didn't want to shop for something new - and maybe even out of plastic - if I get these glass jars for free, although there might be more practical alternatives. Our household consists of only two two-legged beings and therefore, I don't need a post-war pantry like my grandma had. Should the zombie apocalypse impend I still can increase my supplies and provisions and store them in the basement, which is large enough. For the time being my kitchen drawers and pickle jars are sufficient.

As modern kitchens often have drawers instead of shelves and the jars have intransparent lids, I needed some kind of labelling to avoid having to lift them to see their content. As this is a living system, stickers were out of the question, because if there is an empty jar I will fill with anything regardless of the label. I needed something adaptable and then I got the idea of blackboard paint. Why not painting the lids with blackboard paint and then I'd be able to write on them with chalk. If I change the content, I only have to clean and re-label the lid.

During my research I learnt that this paint comes not only in black or green, as I assumed, but in any color you could think of. I chose bordeaux and it was a bit darker than I hoped for - I wanted a wine red not dark purple, but I like it anyway. Time will tell how durable this paint is, but in any case I've got plenty of leftover paint to redo it.

Here is how I started:

I covered the lids with two coats of paint, with drying it took me two days
- well, I had enough time after all... 

And this is the result - I like!

And once I was at it, I did a good deep clean of all othere kitchen cupboards, too - well, I had enough time after all... 

Take care!

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