Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hoppy Easter!

Hi, y'all!

Did you enjoy Easter despite the lockdown? I was somehow molested by all the flying pollen but apart from that I had a good time. Weather was awesome, we started our BBQ season and my first week of vacation is already over.

But I wasn't lazy, I sanded and oiled our outdoor furniture, I prepared two large containers to serve as planters for potatoes (I guess I already mentioned that we plan to grow a few potatoes). Moreover I planted some bell pepper seeds and I am very curious if they are going to make it. And then there was another task on my to do list for today: renew some silicone joints in our bathroom. That was all far from spectacular and therefore no pictures because I don't want to bore you.

Here is something nice - part of my Easter decoration:

Again, I reused some milk and juice cartons and painted Easter in silver water color on them. A few silk flowers (there is a life after Frida Kahlo...) et voilà. 

Holy Thursday I spent baking - first a lemon cake (vegan, is in the freezer right now), yeast rolls with vanilla pudding (half of them are also frozen) and burger buns 'cause we like our burgers with homemade buns the most.

This is how they look when assembled:

On Good Friday we used to make sweet yeast dumplings. Served with vanilla custard and canned plums it is one of my favorite childhood memories. As hubby isn't a fan of sweet main dishes I made something salty instead which was not only fit for Weight Watchers  but also World of Warcraft appropriate (which means you can eat it with one hand and keep on playing with the other one). :-)

Carrot lentil nuggets with curry yoghurt dip:

Due to the pollen I couldn't sit in the garden the whole time (at least not without some allergy meds and I still have to go to the pharmacy for that), thus I dug in some decoration for my office/sewing room.

Do you remember Matchbox cars? When I was a child I had quite a few barbie dolls but some cars, too. The nicest ones I saved in plaster. I wanted to fix them with hot glue to the frame, but unfortunately that didn't work, so I had to get out the bigger guns. After hanging in the basement for a long time they are allowed to live in my office now:

I already mentioned that I wanted to try out some water color painting. Worked more or less but I realized that I had the wrong paper for this technique - only printer paper instead of proper watercolor paper which is more absorbent. Thus I have room for improvement but had fun while painting, and as instant embellishment it was fabulous. As I started with a slice of melon I couldn't miss the famous dirty dancing quote: "I carried a watermelon." And I couldn't stop, so I added two more:  "This is my dance space. This is your dance space." and "Nobody puts baby (in this case kiwi) in a corner." 

The triptych required matching frames, and as I hoarded some cardboard packaging (confessions of an amazon buyer) I made some nice frames of cardboard and papier mâché. Nothing to last an eternity, but a pretty eye catcher for the time being.

Stay safe!

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