Thursday, September 16, 2021

When life happens...

Hi, Y'all!

Long time, no see - guilty as charged. But sometimes life just happens, it is as it is. First, my Mama had to go to hospital all of a sudden. No simple thing, heart attack, and it was serious. She was thoroughly examined, got a stent and has to undergo bypass surgery in about three month. You can easily imagine that it kept and keeps my mind racing.

Well and then something happened which we expected for some time, but then it hit us like a hammer anyway. We are very sad that our beloved Else girl crossed the rainbow bridge just a month before her 13th birthday. Our dogs are family members for us, and although we knew that day would come, we nevertheless are devastated. 

She died how we imagined it for her: peacefully, at home and in our arms, just so. First she came to us for some cuddling, and then she went to her favorite spot in my office. She lied down, we cuddled her some more, and after a while she sighed heavily and her heart stopped beating. 

We expected it, because she was as old as the Queen of England, and due to her various medical conditions we anticipated it being rather sooner than later, and for sure we know that she isn't in pain now, but it hurts anyway, it really does. It's just so quiet now - no more slowly tapping paws when changing from one dog bed to the other, no excited panting when visitors come, no loud lapping when drinking out of her bowl, no deeply satisfied grunting when receiving belly rubs, no tail-wagging when I come downstairs in the morning or when I take harness and leash to go for a walk, no nosy check of my grocery shopping if there are any treats in the bag, no race around the table with a grin on her face when I want to give her medication or wipe her ears... 

Slowly Heinrich realizes that his companion is gone and won't come back. I truly believe, he missed and mourned her. But he will definitely enjoy being the only child again, I'm sure...

And what we always have to keep in mind: She had the best life a dog could want, we loved her and cared for her, and in return she made our lives richer, she spent so much happiness and we had a marvelous time, an abundance of joy and wonderful moments and made memories together. We are blessed. All that will stay in our hearts forever. 

Happy days! Don't cry that they're over,
but be glad they happened.

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