Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Happy Belated Easter!

Hi, Y'all!

Did you find all your Easter eggs? We spent our Holidays pretty comfortable: hubby's firstborn has been visiting, we devoured the egg liqueur/advocaat which my mother in law made, all Covid tests turned out negative, what more can you wish for?! 

Apart from the nasty white stuff falling from the clouds and the fact that it's freezing cold outside, the weather is kind of nice - sun is shining and the first spring flowers bloom. Therefore I was in the mood for asparagus and made a quiche with smoked salmon and green asparagus for hubby and me:

And when our Billie Eilish-double was here (picture in my last post) we made a pizza with white asparagus, zucchini and bechamel instead of tomato sauce - and for the vegan child no shredded cheese on top: 

In the meantime both daughters have chosen to live vegan, and thus we're having lots of vegetarian/vegan dishes on our menu right now. Yesterday, for example we had a hot curry with potatoes, carrots and cashews. Easter Sunday I had some time to kill and therefore decided to try home-made gnocchi. In fact they weren't so complicated as I feared. Basically I cooked potatoes, peeled and mashed them. Then I added some flour, salt and nutmeg and mixed everything into a dough. 

I divided the dough into smaller portions which I rolled into balls and made that typical pattern with a fork. Actually I wanted to roll them with the fork, but these silly little guys were so stubborn! Well then, let's have potato cookies instead of gnocchi... 

This is the complete outcome from 750 g potatoes and 270 g flour:

Afterwards you cook these buggers in a large pot with a lot of salty water. I can't tell the exact cooking time, but you throw them into the boiling water and they sink. As soon as they come up again, they are finished. Therefore, don't leave the pot, it might be done quickly! 

But pure gnocchi might be boring, thus I threw some onions, spinach, chickpeas and cherry tomatoes into a pan and spiced that with lots of garlic, nutmeg and some more. This is my personal traffic light coalition (politically correct and super yummy):

Appr. two thirds of the gnocchi I mixed into the pan, and the rest I roasted in a separate pan to get them really crisp and crunchy. My conclusion: easier than anticipated, but took quite some time to prepare. Now I'm thinking about preparing them in bulk and freezing them. The only thing I don't know yet is, if I should freeze them cooked or uncooked - but I should be able to find that out. And then, these gnocchi might be a nice alternative, even for weekdays. 

And similar to my last blog post, please find some doggie content:

But before you inform the humane society, please be aware that this little old girl is well loved and spoiled rotten! 

Take care and stay safe!!!

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