Friday, July 10, 2020

It's all about presentation

Hi, y'all!

Display designer or interior designer can confirm: If you present some items in an extraordinary way, they sell a lot easier. I don't want to sell anything, but I'd like to present something (in some way), because I need a display for my iPad.

My tablet is a gift from hubby and even bears a personal dedication, and therefore, I love it dearly. To protect it from any harm, I sewed a plain cover from cherry red wool fabric and embellished it with some leaf appliqués.

But it needed more than that - I wanted some kind of stand to put the tablet on in order to comfortably watch some videos and whatnot. Sure I could have asked Jeff Bezos to send me a multifunctional cover/stand, but you know how much I like a good diy. And moreover, I already had all my material at home, so the decision was an easy one.  

My well-loved and well-worn black corduroy pants crossed the rainbow bridge, and after grieving I gifted one leg a second life: cut it off, closed the seam on one side, filled it with all heavy dried goods I could find in my pantry (lentils, rice - you name it) and closed the other side. At the back I folded some of the fabric over and fixed it with a large button. This created a tunnel through wich I put my earphones, when I don't need them. On top of the stand is a place for my glasses - which makes it some kind of multifunctional, right?

And this is how the thingy looks: In the first picture you hopefully can see the red wool cover and the glasses in parking position:

In the second picture you can see the button and the earphones. You can also see that the picture is somehow blurred, but I pretend it to be intentionally, because I wanted the focus to be on the cables, and not on the red cover...

And in the third picture you find the iPad stand in its whole glory (well, more or less - I am no photo expert and black corduroy isn't ideal to show some details…) 

But here, you can see the place, where the tablet gets positioned and how it can rest against that pyramid shape. If I'm travelling, I only take the red cover, because due to its' weight the stand has to stay home. But apart from that I really like it.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe and healthy! 

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