Hi, Y'all!
Is everything fine on your end? Here in Germany we were pretty much gone with the wind, as we were haunted by not only one or two, but three hurricanes the last few days. Thankfully nothing major happened to our home, and I am relieved.
When I remember correctly, I already told you that I wanted to try out stitching. Basics are well-known, I guess, but I ordered a bundle of stitching frames and a colorful variety of stitching threads which I now put to good use. I had leftovers from a cream-colored bedsheet which I cut into 30 cm squares and wanted to turn them into napkins. I hemmed them and was very proud of my pretty decent mitered corners. Then I wanted to embellish them with different flowers, so that each napkin is unique but all of them together would form a pretty flower garden. Good plan, but then I got totally carried away and the embroidery turned much larger than planned...
As you can see, the embroidery takes too much space of the napkin, and tbh, 30 cm squares fit better for a hanky than a napkin. But let's have a closer look at the different flowers:
I started with white daisies and yellow buttercups - at least in the beginning they were yellow. I then changed them into white to differentiate better between the white and the yellow napkin.
Then I made some red roses with a woven stitch - it's far too complicated to explain that stitch on the go - if you're interested you will find tutorials galore on YT for example.